Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg: The Creation of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Review

Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg seeks “to tell the story of the interface between the battle, the death and burial of so many young men, the Soldiers Cemetery creation, and Lincoln’s immortal visit.”
Man of Fire: William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War Review

“This is for readers who may be familiar with Sherman, and interested in either him or the Civil War, but only in broad strokes.”
Searching for Irvin McDowell: The Civil War’s Forgotten General Review

How could such a pivotal figure fall into such obscurity?
The Garza War in South Texas: A Military History, 1890-1898 Review

“The Garza War will be of most interest to readers with a strong interest in the “Old Army” and such little appreciated efforts to maintain order on the Rio Grande border. This “forgotten campaign” is worthy of more study as an example of counterinsurgency seemingly done right.”
Union General: Samuel Ryan Curtis, And Victory in the West Review

“Shea estimates that this abolitionist fighting officer freed more African Americans from slavery than anyone else, other than Abraham Lincoln.”
Men of God, Men of War: Military Chaplains as Minister, Warriors and Prisoners Review

“‘Men of God, Men of War’ is an insightful read for anyone, especially chaplains, interested in learning more about the service of chaplains in our nation’s armed forces during wartime.”
Damn the Valley: 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2/508 PIR, 82nd Airborne in the Arghandab River Valley Afghanistan Review

“Commanders and senior noncommissioned officers have an inherent responsibility to mentally prepare soldiers for the realities of war, potentially using ‘Damn the Valley’ as a case study.”
Tenth Army Commander: The World War II Diary of Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. Review

“The lessons shared in Buckner’s concise notes are just as relevant today.”
Tecumseh’s War: The Epic Conflict for the Heart of America Review

“Hickey’s thesis relies on the fact that Tecumseh’s War was a conflict not separated in scope from the War of 1812 but rather intertwined in it, and this idea is well illustrated throughout the work.”
Warfare and Logistics along the US-Canadian Border during the War of 1812 Review

Although not academically trained as a historian, Christopher Dishman has written a lively and very informative military account of the difficulties experienced by both British and American military leaders during the War of 1812 along the U.S.-Canadian border.