Digital On Point

I am disappointed in On Point going digital. I realize it saves money and the world apparently is going this way. However, several of my publications have also gone to a digital format, and frankly, I don’t even bother looking at them. Opening on an iPhone doesn’t work well and I don’t like sitting at the computer reading magazine content. So I will be missing two out of four editions of content as I won’t be spending the time reading the electronic version.

Colonel Joseph T. Stehn, USAR-Ret.
Hillsborough, New Jersey

There were some interesting news and articles in the digital Winter 2024 issue of On Point. I guess you’ll be heading into social media territory next.

The spread for the Distinguished Writing Awards looked great, and not just because Gavin at War and Parker Hitt, both AUSA Book Program titles, were among the winners!

Joe Craig
Arlington, Virginia

716th Military Police Battalion

The photograph which appears on page 119 of Joshua Cline’s article on the 716th Miltary Police Battalion (On Point, Winter 2024) shows Sergeant Frank Ribbich during the battle for the U.S. Embassy in Saigon in early 1968 and the opening of the Tet Offensive. When I was first assigned to the U.S. Army Military Police School (USAMPS) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, as the Deputy Assistant Commandant, I got to know Frank Ribbich. For all of his heroism and decorations from the battle, he was an unassuming soldier and a great source of knowledge for me at USAMPS.

Colonel Thomas Murray, USA-Ret.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Compliments? Critiques?

Send your Letters to the Editor to Matt Seelinger, Editor, On Point, at, or Editor, On Point, Army Historical Foundation, 1775 Liberty Drive, Suite 400, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060. Letters may be edited for clarity and length.